Being able to advertise your brand on Google is a great way to create new prospects and boost your sales. Nevertheless, like any other online marketing strategy, it’s effective only if you know how to use it.
There are simple mistakes that can harm your click through rate, that many businesses aren’t aware of. If you want to make the most out of your CTR plan, avoid these common errors.
You Don’t Use the Right Keywords
One of the most important rules in online advertising is using the right keywords that would trigger user’s interest; these are the most frequent terms people enter when they look up for a particular product or service.
If you want to earn more concentrating on your CTR strategy (whether Google Adwords or Organic Results), you must be well familiarized with the most efficient types of keywords:
engaging keywords: you need to send out a clear message and that means your audience must understand your true intention, which is in our case selling.
So, steer clear of generic or ambiguous words that confuse the audience or seem appealing only to those who aren’t ready to purchase.
For example, if you want to find the latest news on Publix’s products, you would enter the two main keywords Publix and news that will lead you directly to the desired result.
So, put yourself in your client’s shoes before you choose your keywords and think logically.
Local terms: try to promote your brand on the local markets too; use specific terms that relate to a particular location or area that will trigger the correspondent public.
Your Ads Don’t Have a Rating
Nearly 90% of clients are influenced by online reviews: they feel it’s safer to make their purchase decisions according to what other people say.
This type of feedback is often considered more reliable than any other information source. If you don’t use this strategy yet, you should give it a try
It’s easy to get your products rated since there are so many people who make money writing product reviews that automatically lead to start ratings.
These results are essential because they would draw people’s interest and boost their trust.
Another advantage is that ratings enhance your product’s authenticity and allows people to see that you play – fair when you promote your brand.
If these reasons were convincing enough, let’s conclude this topic by saying that your ads can get rated if you post them on third party websites.
Your Titles Aren’t Optimised
The title is the first thing people look at when they see your ad; it’s the most important element that can convince them to click on the advertisement and enter the sales funnel.
However, many brands fail to optimize their titles and lower their CTR efficiency. If you want to improve your CTR strategy, here are some basic rules you must follow when you craft ad titles:
Use the keywords: the query terms you opted for must be present in your headline, this reassures users that the ad is exactly what they expect it to be.
Note that Google analyses ads titles from left to right so the terms that conclude your title should be the most relevant, which is, the keywords
Offer a practical solution: your heading should refer to one of the main reasons why clients might need to buy your products.
So, name one, think about your product’s most important features and how these provide a fast resolution and a pleasant client experience.
Catchy words: if your ad’s core is a pun or a joke, you’ll get more chances to draw people’s attention and make your brand stick in their mind.
Another advantage, cool ads become viral so this will also enhance your brand’s authority.
numbers work well: they are appealing because they also build trust and show your expertise, so include a number or percentage in your headline if you find it suitable
Be honest: don’t try to persuade prospects to buy your products using false promises, this will come out in the end and it will only lead to negative reviews which will affect your public image
Your Text Is Too Long
Your ad’s message must be concise and straightforward; there’s no need to struggle for plastic words or any unnecessary addition.
Just say what you want to say and wait for your message to reach out to the right recipients.
They’ll decide whether to go further and start searching more information about your product.
Therefore, you don’t have to include too much product description, all they need to know is:
What’s the product’s purpose
Where they can find it; how are they able to purchase (a simple order know link can do it)
What makes your brand better than the competitor: this is the catchy part of your ad, the special feature that recommends your product.
Cut down these three answers to one phrase and there’s your ideal ad content.
One more thing that’s working quite well is highlighting the discount or mentioning the prize. If you promote a super offer, craft an ad that focuses on how good this deal is.
You’re Not Using the Right Images
When you post your ads, the CTR’s effectiveness depends on what type of images you use.
Photos have a greater impact on customers than written content. Numerous experiments have shown the picture’s superiority effect which leads to one major conclusion; people are inclined to remember photos easier than words.
Visual content is also more appealing and triggers people’s attention faster than plain text.
While images can do wonders for your CTR, they can also turn people away from your brand if you’re not using the right material.
Here are some image mistakes you should avoid:
Using low-quality images: invest in your photos, don’t settle for cheap prices because the result will be similar
Using generic photos: you need to choose relevant images that fit your campaign’s purpose. Don’t add any picture you find in your archive because it will confuse and deter clients.
Now that you know the basics of effective CTR, let’s turn to your business; do you plan to use this marketing strategy in your next campaign?
If the answer is yes, try to remember the 5 mistakes that can harm your CTR and avoid them.
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