Digital assets usually refer to a collection of electronic files that would include videos, photos, presentations, or textual content. All these are usually in data form and stored in a computer system, storage drive, or the cloud.
Any business needs to have an efficient digital asset management (DAM) system. This could help the company store, organize, and keep content secure. Also, since this electronic data is used across various departments, the firm’s DAM structure should allow easy access and distribution of information while ensuring that everything cannot be accessed by a third party or outsider. That’s where a huge part of the challenge comes in.
Managing Company Digital Assets
Before the information age, company files were stored in physical storage components like cabinets, drawers, or shelves. Some organizations still have this but a vast majority have adopted the digital trend. Today, most firms have created an information centre for their electronic data such as brochures, newsletters, logos, datasheets, product photos, marketing videos, etc. However, over time, and as more content is created, the size of the file library increases.
Additionally, more employees are added to the team, and they all have to use this same storage to access necessary content that helps them perform various tasks.
Therefore, without proper management of this data, it may not be easy to find files. Additionally, some may be duplicated or deleted unintentionally. All these could cost your business money and valuable time. Apart from that, people could access outdated content. If you’re using outdated numbers and studies in marketing, for instance, your clients will certainly lose their trust and respect in you. As a result, they may tarnish your name and damage your brand reputation.
Thus, a company must invest in an effective DAM system that could help mitigate such risks and ensure a more efficient digital access and file distribution system. Also, this structure should enable proper organization and retrieval of data whenever necessary. Overall, this could help the company improve staff productivity and help make the switch from offline to online business a great success. Additionally, it could help ensure consistency and as a result, maintain your brand’s integrity.
To ensure your company can benefit from a DAM setup, efficient management of electronic data should be maintained. But how can this be done? Below is a guide on how to adequately manage your digital assets:
Train Your Staff
When installing a DAM program in your organization, make sure you teach your staff everything about it to ensure proper use. Most software manufacturers offer training resources to buyers. Additionally, others may have teams that could come into your establishment and help you learn everything about the system. If you’re looking to purchase a program, these kinds of sellers may be efficient.
Also, as you add new employees to your firm, make sure that part of their training and onboarding process is an introduction and manual of your DAM system. This could help reduce the risks of using the wrong files, accidental deletions, or duplication. In addition, this could also reduce dependence on other coworkers, saving time and enhancing productivity.
Automate The Organization Of Files
Albums in a DAM structure can be used to store related assets under one name. You may also find DAM software that has an automatic file organization feature. This attribute could be of great help to all users. Such a function could ensure proper asset placement in a specific category once uploaded into the system. The data may be stored in either a video, audio, image, or document file, depending on its type.
Alternatively, an administrator could personally design albums by adding one item at a time into a specific category. Later, these can be distributed to a particular group that is working on a specific project. Additionally, employees could also create albums for their own use or to share with fellow team members.
Generally, these tools can be of great assistance in managing digital assets. They allow efficient data organization and accessibility. As a result, albums can help save valuable time that would have otherwise be used to locate the needed files.
Utilize A Keyword Library
Keywords in a digital asset management system are phrases or terminologies added to data, which help enhance the retrieval of a particular file. Sometimes, searching for a document or video using titles may not be as helpful since the system can generate several results with that specific description. Therefore, one has to go through all the outcomes provided to find what they’re looking for.
Keywords can help save a lot of time in data retrieval. In DAM systems, they can be used to describe a file uniquely.
For instance, if you’ve got a document about leather jackets, you could use phrases like ‘jacket leather’ or ‘leather red coats’ and so on. While designing these terms, use a good number of words that could help narrow down the search results. Also, make sure the correct spellings are used to ensure that assets are discoverable.
Additionally, be consistent with either plurals or singulars, as this could make searches easier for everyone.
Most organizations develop a keyword library or list and ensure that it’s available to all staff members within the firm. This factor helps enhance the searchability of digital assets for everyone in the company.
While developing such a structure, the creator should make sure that all departments agree with the word selection. Also, such lists should be tested first before being considered a final point of reference for keywords. Additionally, the library should have words familiar around the company to ensure easy retrieval for everyone.
Categorize Files According To Purpose
As mentioned, most DAM systems may have a categorization feature that groups digital assets according to file type. For example, all photos could be grouped under image files or textual data could be under documents.
However, for companies that have multiple projects, this may not be efficient. For instance, your firm may utilize philanthropic social responsibility activities to enhance brand awareness in different regions. As such, you couldn’t mix photos, documents, or videos from such events with data that are used in various departments for different purposes, like logos and backdrops.
In this case, you may need a project-based kind of categorization system for such data. For example, if you’ve got files from different regions, you can name them as per the location these activities were carried out in. This arrangement could ensure easy searchability whenever necessary.
Regular System Updates
For DAM programs, regular updates are necessary. These upgrades ensure your software is up to date, and you enjoy the benefits of any new features that the manufacturer may have installed. However, if you’re using a cloud-based DAM setup, this may not be necessary since updates in this structure are automated.
Digital assets are a vital part of any company, as different departments use them to perform various tasks. For instance, the marketing team could use videos in brand promotion, and the finance group could use logos and templates in creating reports. In essence, multiple individuals use this electronic data, and the risk of accidental deletion or duplication may be high.
Additionally, these files increase as the company grows, making it difficult for people to locate information. As such, firms must ensure they have an efficient digital asset management structure in place.
To ensure your firm benefits sufficiently from a DAM system, you must properly manage your electronic data. To do this, consider albums and keyword lists. Additionally, train your staff so they’ll know how to properly use your DAM program. Lastly, see to it that your storage platform is regularly updated. This ensures that your files are kept secure from malicious third parties.
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