New Local Business Directory Harnesses Word-of-mouth. Usayso is a new and free Australian business directory, where local people search for special offers on products and services. Register and you get:
- Free advertising and local area marketing
- Bypass regular search engines and google rankings
- Set your price for services and get paid upfront
- Advertise, interact and get paid all inside the app – no chasing, no remarketing
- Harness word-of-mouth with local reviews and friend’s ratings
Registering is quick and easy, and then you’ll create your own special offer for people to buy. You’ll chat with interested members, and they will pay you directly from the app.
What sets Usayso apart from the likes of Groupon, hipages, and Oneflare is the way it filters for the recommendations of the user’s friends and the local community. Word-of-mouth. It’s a powerful motivator.
Get Free advertising and connect locally
The best bit? You get in for free, and there’s no risk to you at all. Become better known in your local community when you collect good reviews and ratings. With that, you’ll inspire trust – and we all know how trust converts to sales.
Bypass regular search engines and Google rankings
Google famously favours big business and large advertising dollars. When someone searches in Usayso, the results they see are based on their individual network of connections. The app favours a friend’s recommendations and other ratings in their local community. Usayso, like ‘you say so’.
Harness this word-of-mouth, and you can compete with big business.
Get paid upfront and improve your cashflow
Cashflow is a pain point for small businesses everywhere. We hear it all the time.
Have you ever totalled up the hours your business spends chasing invoices?
Within Usayso, you set your price, and that’s firm. Your customer or client then pays for your service upfront. You also have an agreed scope of work before the job commences, so all parties agree on what’s being done and how much it’ll cost. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?
Stay within the app at all times
We all know by now that conversion gets harder the more steps there are. So, if your customer gets sent here and there before committing and paying you, there’s a high chance they’ll be interrupted, change their mind, and not come back.
Usayso was designed to stay within the app at all times. You’ll set up your offer, interact with people, and get paid all from the app.
There are no more chasing, remarketing, shopping cart reminders. Just increased conversion rates.
The set-price-service (called a Gig) also means you say goodbye to haggling. I can hear you exhaling! Once you register, you set your own special offers. So choose something you do well and make money from.
Harness the ultimate advertisement, word-of-mouth
Stats show that a staggering 81% of people trust recommendations from people they know, compared to just 33% of what they read in search engine results. The power of word-of-mouth will bring you more business and more regular business.
As above, Usayso makes use of this by favouring friend’s recommendations and local community ratings. It’s a proven way to garner trust and bring in more business.
How is it different?
This all looks good, but are you wondering why it’s so special? When you consider other apps like Airtasker, hipages, Oneflare and so on they all seem to do similar things. So let’s compare the competition – Airtasker, hipages, Oneflare, LinkedIn, Yelp, Facebook and Usayso. These apps variously let you:
- Get quotes, be paid and do the accounting
- Offer a set-price service with no haggling
- Communicate between customers, and customer to business
- Harness word-of-mouth and community rating
- Offer education, position yourself as an expert (blogs and information)
- Outsource tasks, prioritise your time
Of all of these apps, the only one which gives you every benefit is Usayso. You will get paid upfront, set your own prices with no negotiating, interact with your clients within the app, and connect with more customers locally by harnessing word-of-mouth.
Getting started is quick & easy
In a small business, whether web design, content marketing, small industry, trades or professional services, time is money. It’s easy to get started on Usayso – three simple steps. Register your business and then create a special offer, using a simple template. Your offer will be displayed along with your community ratings eventually.
You’ll be more quickly trusted, and that translates into higher conversion rates and more sales.
Let’s not forget where we started – it’s absolutely free for you to start.
A great solution for difficult times
Members can buy your offers for other people, and they can be valid for any length of time you choose, so it is an excellent solution in these unusual times.
Get off the merry-go-round of paid advertising, perfecting google rankings, negative cashflow and time-wasting customers. Give yourself another channel and harness the power of word-of-mouth.
You can learn more and register for free today at
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