You get what you pay for. SEO without ethics is cheap, ultimately ineffective, and usually damages the reputation and brand of the site that uses it.
Millions of dollars are wasted every year on inpatient business and site owners who are looking for quick results. The irony is that on-page Ethical SEO Techniques tend to be just as quick, more effective, far more permanent and far more resilient to Google search engine algorithm changes.
I have written on the benefits of an ethical SEO service elsewhere. Here, I want to take you through 5 Ethical SEO Techniques and tips to improve your on-page metrics. These are all techniques that you can either do yourself or hire an ethical SEO agency to do for you.
If you want to use Ethical SEO Techniques into your website, here are five ethical SEO techniques for great on-page optimization.
1. Optimise Title Tags and Headlines for Engagement
Your title tags are the headline that Google presents to users in search engine results. All out of the box eCommerce, blogging and business sites will allow you to hand craft these headlines.

WordPress will also allow you to craft the headlines using a plugin like Yoast SEO or by using any Genesis Framework Theme from Studio Press (Which we highly recommend, because they are fast, easy to use and well coded).
Keep your headlines under 55 Characters to make sure they will appear in Google’s search results cleanly – and just as you wrote them.
To audit all the headlines on a website, you can use Website SEO Checker by Sitechecker.
Why You should Optimise Your Titles and Headlines
The amount of traffic that comes to your site is a ranking factor in Google. The amount of time spent on each page is also a ranking factor.
If you want visitors to come to your site, you need to draw them in through effective and engaging headlines. Optimising your Title Tags is an ethical way to encourage these kinds of click-through rates (provided you are not flat out lying to your audience) and is a technique you should be employing in all your content.
How to Create Engaging Headlines
Adding videos, illustrations, PowerPoint slides, podcasts, infographics and photography to your site keeps people on your site longer period. Portent offers super-easy tools to help you generate engaging headlines and content themes.
Just drop in your topic or title and let it run. You can refresh the titles to keep coming up with more ideas. Keep an eye out for the title above – I love it and may use it for myself.
2. Produce Original Single Focus Content
Focus content is content that aims to deliver a single piece of information or advice. in search engine marketing it is information or advice gathered around a single concept, idea, topic or keyword.
Your site might have many topics that it covers each piece of content or article should focus on a single topic for that post or page.
Why You Should Focus on A Single Topic
If your article content heads in 15 directions at once, so will your site visitors and so will Google – and you will lose the benefit of both rankings and traffic.
Your site visitors are looking for information or a specific solution to a question they have. If you want to keep your visitors on your website you need to answer the question. You need to answer the question as clearly and as concisely as possible.
Google is also trying to work out what your web page or article is about.
The easier you make it for Google to understand your purpose and the easier you make it for your site visited to find an answer, the happier Google will be and the better your rank.
How to Create Content that Focuses on a Single Topic
The smart place to start is with your heading and subheadings.
For example, if you were writing an article on how to grow your business online, You might start with something like this:
Title: How to Grow Your Business Online
Sub Headings:
- Building a clean website
- Identifying your niche
- Reaching out to your target audience
Once you have created the sub headings, you can then go about filling in the content underneath each one. You will find that your writing is far more focused when you work this way.
Use Long Tail Keywords
Use long tail keywords to create a foundation of authority in search engines for the keyword you want to rank for.
If the site is new. it’s ideal to start out using these long tail keywords in your title tags as well as in headings.
As the site begins to rank you may go for more competitive terms in your titles and headings and use your long tail keywords sprinkled throughout the article.

The longer phrases may have less traffic, but combined they can build a great deal of authority for your focus keyword or topic. I have written a more detailed explanation on Long Tail Keywords here under section four.
3. Add Rich Media to Your Articles
Rich media includes things like video, infographics, illustrations, photography and podcasts. They are a great way to optimise your on-page content ethically for search engines.
They are all ways of presenting your information in different formats. Google love them and so do site visitors when used strategically to get your message across.
Why Add Rich Media to Your Content
Adding videos, illustrations, podcast, infographics and photography to your site keeps people on your site longer period
Again, time on the site is ranking Factor. The more engagement you can have with a visitor the longer they will stay, and the better your rank in Google search engine will be.
Rich media also creates an opportunity to link back to your content. For example, embedding a slideshow that you created into one of your articles from Slideshare enables a link back from an authority site.
Creating a YouTube video does the same thing where you can play something in or around YouTube video then embed the video on your site.
If you are going to add these additional elements, you need to be sure that your host can cope with the increased page size without losing loading speed.
It may mean upgrading your hosting account or even transferring it if you plan to use lots of rich media on your site in order to display and generate more shareable ( and ethically linkable) content. Use the services at Hosting Foundry to source a suitable host that can handle larger amounts of data without compromising site speed.
It also gives you additional content to share to various channels such as Twitter, StumbleUpon and Facebook.
4. Create Long-Form Posts
Long-form posts are articles or content typically over 1000 words. They tend to contain more detail on any particular subject making them attractive to users looking for quality at precise information.
While they are not the only form of content and not always the best form of content, they have several advantages.
Taking the time to include a good number of long form post articles on your side is yet another way you can ethically optimise your site for the best search engine results in Google.
Why You Should Use Long-Form Posts on Your Site
For some time now, we have known that Google seems to favour this kind of on-page or on-site content. SEO web marketing consultants have observed and tested various forms of content and have found that overall, long-form content outranks short form content.

Long form articles that is well written will keep people on your side longer and are more likely to answer search queries then short form content.
5. Use Internal Links to Promote Inner Pages
Google considers the internal links to your site as back links. If you want Google to think some pieces of content on your site as more important than other pages, then it makes sense to have more links pointing to that content.
This is what is sometimes called “hero content” – the central positioning of essential and important pages on your site, perhaps a service or a product, and then insuring that you have good content, articles, posts and other information surrounding it and pointing to it.
Why You Should Take Advantage of Internal Links
Internal linking is a powerful way to boost your most important pages.
By developing a content hub that focuses on a series of long tail keywords and then pointing that hub to a hero or money page you can seriously boost your page rank for certain keywords almost overnight.
It’s an excellent way to ethically optimise your page content in a way that is natural and meaningful both to Google and the user.
The important point ot make here is the direction of the links. You want to avoid infinite loops. You want your internal links to be building layers of authority on ever-increasing competitive terms in one direction.
While I’m sure there are an another dozen ethical ways to optimise your on-page content and website. For a better search engine position, these are all a great start.
If you can master the simple ethical techniques, you will soon begin to see the rewards for your search engine optimisation.
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Good sharing. This article provides us details idea about on page SEO. On page SEO is crucial for ranking better on search engines including google. You have shared all the important issues that related to on page SEO. I think perfect keywords and keywords density are really important issues of on page SEO. Thanks for sharing..